A long wooden path goes straight ahead into the distance with large groups of people either side of it midjourney image

Thought leadership

Why does everyone keep talking about the importance of writing thought leadership content?

Thought leadership is an essential area of content marketing that a company or brand may use to establish themselves as an authority in their industry on a certain topic. 

By having spokespeople who are well-versed in a specific niche, whether it be C-Suite or regional director, senior management or an entrepreneurial business owner, companies can leverage that expertise to position themselves at the forefront of debate. 

So, how do you write thought leadership content?

Here are my top five tips:

1. Who are you writing for?

Think about your ideal buyer persona and what they want to hear

What does this mean in simple terms?

Who are you selling to and what are their ‘pain points’?

What are people asking for help with the most?

2. Consider your USP

What sets you and your business apart from your competitors? 

If you don’t know the answer to this, ask your best customers what they appreciate the most about you and your business.

3. Brainstorm your ideas 

So, you know who you are talking to and what makes you and your business so special. What next? You can’t just write an article about how great you are with a big shiny CTA Buy Now button!

Give yourself time to brainstorm topics that align with your business and support your expertise.   Types of content that resonate well on LinkedIn include:

  • Opinion pieces
  • Analysis of industry data
  • Case studies
  • AMAs (Ask Me Anything)
  • Interviews.

4. Play to your strengths

The number one thing that causes the most stress among entrepreneurs as they plan out their thought leadership content is the dreaded imposter syndrome.

Clients tell me time and time again “But, I’m not a writer,” or “I’m terrified to speak on camera.”

DW, you don’t have to write original content, you could do a video or host an Audio Event or even a LinkedIn Live.

If doing any of this just sounds too much, why not check out the news articles on LinkedIn? These offer insight into trending topics and rather than you having to write an article or post you could instead just engage with an insightful comment and join the conversation that way.

5. Show up and be yourself

People align with—and buy from—those that they know, like, and trust. (In fact, 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support.) 

Yes, be strategic however if you’re serious about leveraging LinkedIn to establish or affirm your thought leadership, you’ve got to show up as the real deal.

If you haven’t got the time or the resources to write your thought leadership content, why not get in touch with the team at Kennedy Woods?